I had a friend once call me the “Queen of the stream of Consciousness” back in the days of LiveJournal. Growing up alongside the internet digital remnants of myself are scattered across screens, not all of which I’ve been able to track down. In an effort to keep some thoughts my own I added a personal blog to my website. So I can write when I feel called to without being tied to a specific project.

Over a 7 year span I blogged exclusively on Tumblr under the name “Kiss My Flash”. While much of the photography work has been relocated pieces that I wrote are captured in an archive below.

From the Archives: The Fourth Wave is a Tsunami
WORDS Katherine Arnett WORDS Katherine Arnett

From the Archives: The Fourth Wave is a Tsunami

originally written January 21, 2017

They started marching hours before I was even awake. They filled the Mall in DC with more people than had been there for the inauguration the day before. They came with homemade signs, with hands over hearts, with strong words and big smiles. They came in a throbbing sea of pink. They wore “pussy hats” knitted by hand.

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The Nature of Work
WORDS Katherine Arnett WORDS Katherine Arnett

The Nature of Work

Fear is sucking my brain dry.

But complaining would be selfish. When so many have died, and so many have jobs infinitely more dangerous than mine. They are the ones doing something important. They are saving lives.

Maybe it would be different if I thought my job was actually essential. If I were doing my part to help the community. If there was any way I was earning the noble title of “frontline worker”.

But the truth is I’m not helping anyone in the least.

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Gaia's Revenge
WORDS Katherine Arnett WORDS Katherine Arnett

Gaia's Revenge

Jellyfish have been spotted in Venice is a “marvel”. Should we reconsider the structure of jobs and commuting in cities is a “difficult subject”. It’s easy to say Captain America is your favourite superhero because he’s willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. It’s harder to do that yourself when you can just buy a t-shirt and novelty mug with his face and move on.

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Field of Dreams
WORDS Katherine Arnett WORDS Katherine Arnett

Field of Dreams

This isn’t my home, I just live here. Such an ungrateful and selfish thing to say. So privileged. It bears no reflection on the perfectly lovely suburban address to which my mail is delivered. Nor on those who reside within its walls who are more of a home than a building could ever be.

For the better part of 25 years I’ve lived in a place I don’t belong.

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99 Love Balloons
WORDS Katherine Arnett WORDS Katherine Arnett

99 Love Balloons

“Hey, how are you?” is meant to be answered with “Good thanks, and you?” It’s part of the social contract. A polite acknowledgement that both parties have their own series of events unfolding and both will suspend whatever demons lurk below momentarily.

It is the hand shake of conversation. And much like actual hand shaking it has been made irrelevant by 2020.

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Puppies on Parade
WORDS, writing Katherine Arnett WORDS, writing Katherine Arnett

Puppies on Parade

Each day seems more uncertain than the last. Forced into the microcosm of our homes the opening of a tulip seems the grandest of events. Laundry has presented itself as a contemplative task. And the puppies march in a parade with an audience of one.

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Kiss My Flash

Like so many others for years I hosted a blog on Tumblr called Kiss My Flash. I documented my life as a photographer, my pop culture ramblings, and life in general. Not wanting to lose memories and pieces of myself from seven years I have transferred them to my own site. Below are some excerpts and links to the full archive.

The Archives