all the adjectives a person could ever need...

What I’ve learned from Buzzfeed and their viral quizzes that clog every feed you have is that you will ultimately be given all the descriptors you could ever want.  It’s online wish-fulfillment.  Here’s the massive list I’ve resulted in…

clever, wise, creative, witty, loyal, smart, underrated badass, moody, cocky, confident, generous, fierce, intelligent, survivor, fighter, magnificent hair, dependable, fighting spirit, industrious, ambitious, beautiful, aloof, revered, empathetic, political, pragmatic, dreamer, just, manipulative, heart of gold, beautiful, no patience for weakness in others, enjoy having control over others, sexy, witty, playful, good person, intoxicating, rare breed, total babe, handsome, brave, jokester, adventurous, carefree, cool, sophisticated, kind-hearted, romantic, snarky, rebel, specific, delightful, unapologetically yourself, uptight, great cook, great host, great friend, magnetic, natural leader, strong, bold, beautiful, classic, in charge, sociable, nice, pensive, unique taste, impressive, cozy, sassy, cultured, modern, forward thinking, historical, self-sufficient, prepared, noble, sharp, effervescent, career driven, world-shaker, charismatic, committed, restless, cheerful, friendly, creative genius, trend setter, adorable.

I promise you I am not all of those things.  I don’t know if anyone could possibly be all of those things.

Katherine Arnett

sharp shooting - pen wielding - good cooking - french speaking - coffee drinking - book devouring - pop culture consuming - canadian

Grandpa & the War


Who needs Freud or Jung when there's Buzzfeed?