Miss You Obama

I’m not American. But I am going to miss President Obama so much.

That’s the magical thing about him. You didn’t have to be American to be inspired by him. His message of hope extended far beyond the borders of the United States. He stood not only as a capable, intelligent, charismatic leader but as a symbol. Of what is possible with hard work and determination. And on a larger scale what is possible if we can overcome differences and learn to be better than those who came before us.

More than that President Obama made people engaged again. He made me more interested in Canadian politics. More willing to write my local representatives and make my voice heard. I became more interested in global politics at large.

Right now the world is a scary place. As Obama gives his farewell speech news about Trump’s treasonous behaviour is breaking. The British decision to leave Europe is still rippling. And an upcoming French election that is seeing a rising of the extreme right is downright terrifying. These are uncertain times. Times that echo an era we thought we would never see again.

It is natural to be scared. The automatic response is to question how we will make it through.

Hope is not lost.

Because I was inspired by President Obama and became more involved I have a better understanding of the system. I learned about it during a time when things were going well, but it remains when times are tough.

President Obama gave citizens of the world permission to believe Yes We Can. And then followed it up by reminding us all it takes work.

I will miss him, but I will never forget the lessons he taught me.

Katherine Arnett

sharp shooting - pen wielding - good cooking - french speaking - coffee drinking - book devouring - pop culture consuming - canadian


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