chillax Descartes, you're such a buzzkill…

I had the best dream last night.  For the first time in weeks it wasn’t something to do with my novel.  It was so lovely and I was so happy and it was so real that when I woke up I was instantly sad to know it wasn’t true.  The type of dream that it would be great to sit around with Descartes discussing at length the possibility that they are a doorway to the multiverse. 

But I did wake up.  And dealt with a bug bite on my knuckle.  Drowned a headache in french roast.  Watched the Daily Show.

And then I found out that the Scrabble dictionary would be adding 5000 new words.

It’s been a decade, so it was definitely time.  Finally another Q without a U word (qajaq - bonus for being Inuit related)! Te, gi, da & po! So many options.

Then I read further.

vlog. bromance. hashtag. dubstep. buzzkill. chillax. frenemy. funplex. jockdom. beatbox. geocache. selfie.


This weekend I finished a book that was mostly enjoyable except it overused the verb “limned”.  As a result I grew to hate limned.  After reading this I’m really starting to come around to it.

Katherine Arnett

sharp shooting - pen wielding - good cooking - french speaking - coffee drinking - book devouring - pop culture consuming - canadian

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