Why I’m Not A Fan of Star Wars - Bad Timing, Generation X & a Galaxy of Merch

It’s been over twelve hours since I wrote a piece about hating Star Wars and what that means for an 80s kid.  A piece I wrote for a site run by (& read by) SciFi fans.  So far the Internet has not come for my head.  In fact the fanboys that have responded have been largely positive about it all.  

“Worried that my one time viewing of the series was inaccurate I reached out to facebook friends (many of whom are die-hard fans) to see if perhaps I had forgotten the strong female characters.  I had not.  The world so far consists of an Aunt, a foster Mom, a Queen who becomes a Mom (that Googling has described as a cock-tease, thanks Internet!), the Queen’s decoy, some of the “bad guys”, a dancing girl, and a singer.  Oh, and of course the central character Princess Leia.  She who first appears begging for a man to come to her rescue.  Then try as she might to assert her dominance (she’s Royalty for fuck’s sake), continues to be the object of everyone’s affection, including her own brother, a fat slobbering thing that dresses her in a gold bikini, and the legions of boys who have dreamt of said costume ever since.”

Star Wars: The Force-Feeding Continues

Have thoughts?

Katherine Arnett

sharp shooting - pen wielding - good cooking - french speaking - coffee drinking - book devouring - pop culture consuming - canadian


Avoid Pandering to Lurid Curiosity


I can’t write in the margins.