Analog Hell

After being stranded in analog hell for 6 months (or 4 years in digital time), I’m back in the LANs & grooves.

As much as I’d like to plug a USB cable right into my veins, I’m trying to ease myself back in.  I’ve been going program by program and cleaning my digital house, as well as my physical one.  There’s a few things I’ve realized about the digital era during this process…

1 - An entire shelf in my office is was dedicated to empty boxes.  Do I really need to keep my original lanyard-style shuffle box, or will the 3 other iPod boxes I own be sufficient?

2 - The amount of random tracks in my iTunes from bands I could not pick out of a line up is staggering.  Many of them pulled off of MySpace when that was a thing, from bands that seem to have left no footprint past 2008.

3 - I have more ballpoint pens than I will ever need.  Not to mention the intense eco-guilt that the realization of all the plastic that will eventually end up in landfills (or the Pacific garbage island) as a result of my pen hoard.  Is there another use for pen tubes besides snorting meth & emergency tracheotomies?

Katherine Arnett

sharp shooting - pen wielding - good cooking - french speaking - coffee drinking - book devouring - pop culture consuming - canadian

A Bag of Cats


Batter Up